Wednesday, 22 May 2013

How to keep your feet beautiful..

Have you seen that Krack cream ad where a girl teases her bhabhi for her cracked feet?? The bhabhi then uses the wonder Krack cream like taaaaaadaa and her feet become soft and beautiful. Have you cursed your feet for not being beautiful? Did a particular Sandal which you really liked did not suit your tanned feet?? You think neons or any such nail colors do not suit you?

Forget the above, are you just confused about taking good care of your feet for them to look good?? Here are some useful tips which when followed give you those amazing results.

1) Don't ever expose your feet to over moisture. Moisture always tens to cause infections near your nails and also on the skin.

2) Always make sure that your feet have enough moisture. Na kam, na zyaada. If your feet are really dry, during winter nights just apply some moisturizing cream, let it be for some time and then while going to bed wear socks to lock moisture.

3) Do yourself a pedicure or get it done professionally atleast once a month. Manicure involves a lot of things that would remove all the bad and keep the good.

4) Apply sunscreen on you feet as well while you shop in hot sun. Never step out of your house without a sunscreen.

5) Carefully select the nail colors which are delicate and girly, trust me these are real eye turners.

6) Soak your legs in warm water or a foot spa and then with the help of a pumice stone remove all the dead skin on your feet. This makes a lot of difference.

Note: To the warm water in the above tip you could add a pedicure shampoo to clean the feet completely

7) You could soak your feet in warm water and pour 5-6 drops of any essentials oil to remove all the bad odors and also to make your feet fresh. I personally like to add lemon essential oil. Jojoba oil  balances moisture, doesn't impart any fragrance though.

8) Eat fresh vegetables and fruits for your skin to glow naturally from inside.

9) Cut your nails regularly and properly to make sure you don't have ingrown nails.

10) Remove cuticles from your nails regularly.

11) Always remove the hair grown on toes. This makes them look girly and neat.

12) Wear new foot wear with socks for the first few days.

13) Scrub you legs every week.

Follow these simple tips and you will get the desired results. Great feet complete you.. !!!

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